Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tips to Be on the First Page on Google

Take a few minutes to do a little bit of keyword research before creating blog posts, articles or videos you can maximize your exposure and get found by thousands people on the most popular search engine around. If you do not already have a Google account sign up for FREE.

Now you may ask how can I get on the First page on Google??? A. Take few minutes To Do Keyword Research by using a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Tool. Find keywords and/or keyword phrases that have little competition but are getting a minimum of 10 clicks (estimated # of clicks you'd expect per day if you where to lock down the First page on Google).

B. Create and Publish Blog Post by creating a keyword rich, keyword dense post with at least 525 words. Link your image and call to action at the end of your post to a capture page using a trackable link. (Use Google url builder, or hypertracker to create a trackable link). Include target keyword in Blog Title, Headings and Tags. If you are using WordPress I would recommend SEOPressor plugin to optimize your posts. This tool will recommend you have included your keyword in your title, description, keywords are highlighted and you used properly the H1, H2 and H3 tags. Another recommendation is using great WordPress plug-in called All-In-One SEO Pack.

C. Submit your Post to Article Directories: Use an article submission tool to submit to top article directories. Include a trackable link to the resource box directing readers to a capture page or back to your blog. Article Directories are a great tool to get your article on the first page on Google.

D. Submit your Post to Posterous: Copy and Paste your blog post to Posterous keeping all of the links in tact. (Visit Posterous to set up a free account- make sure to set up as many services as you can). Update the trackable links in the blog post image and the call to action.

E. Submit your Post to BetterNetworker, Empower Network and my personal site; Copy and Paste your blog post keeping all of the links in tact. (Visit BetterNetworker to set up a free account). Update the trackable links in the blog post image and the call to action.

F. Submit your Article Link from BetterNetworker Post to Posterous: Copy the link to your BetterNetwork article from your browser, return to Posterous, create a new post and do the following:

Give a title to your post that is similar but not the same title as your original blog post or article post. Make sure to include your keyword/keyword phrase.

Write a one sentence line similar to this: Check out this great article from BetterNetworker on "Let's Get on the First Page on Google" (if your keyword phrase is" First Page on Google" make this a hyperlink back to the BetterNetworker and Empower Network)

G. To create more backlinks and strengthen your rankings on Google submit your original blog post to Facebook by adding it to a minimum of 5 niche specific groups. I recommend to comment on other people's articles then the favor will be returned to your articles and they may share your post with others.

H. Tweet your post to your followers.

I. Syndicate with TribePro- You choose the best tribe for your content which is sent via RSS feed as soon as you post something. The tribe can then share your content on over 51 social media and social networking websites, creating buzz about you that is picked up by the search engines that will in turn bump you up in organic searches. This is great news since 85% of Google users do not look past the first page of results when conducting a search.

J. Monitor your Alexa Score - Install Alexa Toolbar and watch your personal blog rank. I started my personal blog right after I started blogging on Empower Network. I had installed my Alexa toolbar probably first of December and my rank was around 12 Million. I keep watching my score and now I am at 3 Million. I may not be on 1st Page on Google yet, but I do know my ranking is going the right direction. I think it is just a matter of time. I know the backlinking of my two sites are working.

Perform these easy routines every time you create a new blog post and you will find yourself locking down the first page on Google for multiple keywords related to your niche, driving more traffic and capturing more leads for your business.

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   

The Upside To Organic Search Engine Marketing

As a business owner, it can be frustrating to find that regardless of how much money and effort you invest in search engine optimisation through website programming, blogging, article writing, online PR and social media, other organisations will still appear ahead of you for relevant key words.

This is simply because Google will always place Pay Per Click advertisements ahead of any organic listings produced for individual search terms.

So why shouldn't you simply abandon organic search engine optimisation work in favour of a Pay Per Click campaign?

There are plenty of reasons.

Firstly, and most importantly, although other organisations may appear first in the rankings, it doesn't necessarily follow that viewers will automatically click on those entries first. Paid for listings are clearly identified and segregated from organic listings. Research has shown that 80% of Google users in fact never click on PPC entries, choosing instead to click on one of the organic listings, usually on page one of the return page.

Both consumers and businesses are weary of being bombarded by advertising on a daily basis. In many instances, the organisations behind the paid listings offer only a tenuous link to whatever it is the viewer is actually looking for. For these reasons, many internet users have grown to mistrust advertising and would prefer instead to investigate organic entries which usually deliver information more appropriate for their needs.

Imagine however, that SEO experts across the world were telling organisations they had a fool proof way of ensuring they appeared on the first page of Google each and every time, for an extremely popular phrase - "restaurant in London" for example. If this PPC technique was effective both in terms of cost and results, how many London restaurants do you think would immediately sign on the dotted line? The fact of the matter is, only a small number of both PPC and organic listings can be accommodated on page one which means that only those with the largest budgets tend to gain a high listing using PPC. To prove this point, at the time of writing, a search on the term "restaurant in London" brings up The Ivy and Harvey Nichols at the top of the list. There is little opportunity for anyone else with a smaller budget to compete using a PPC campaign.

Search engine optimisation is not a tool for a business owner who is not prepared to invest heavily in terms of time and effort. Researched and executed carefully, a high organic Google listing is, in most cases, achievable for relevant words and phrases for organisations with even the smallest of budgets.

The key to effective search engine optimisation is content, not money. Provide regular updates and content relevant to your target market and you will begin to build up significant online influence. An increase in traffic to your site, regularly read articles and a high number of social media followers will, in turn, result in an increased number of links, all of which will certainly attract the attention of Google spiders.

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept   

Why You Need to Use On Page Optimization

On page Optimization is the process of optimizing the very content, including meta tags, of your website. It involves activities that make a page ready to be indexed by search engine crawlers.

SEO Experts use different ways in making one. Here are some basic points that you need to remember.

1. Creating a Title for your web page. Creating a title for your web page could be troublesome. It needs to be related to the product or service that you offer and it should also optimize your website. The most effective method is having your keywords in your title. The beauty of this method gives you a title that is related to your topic and at the same time it helps in optimizing the page. However, you should combine and reduce these words in a way that it would still be relevant to your readers.

2. Use header tag appropriately. According to Rand Fishkin, recent studies have shown that a header tag has a very low effect with your ranking in search engines. However, it's still advisable to use this tag on important keywords and headlines.

3. Writing the contents of the page. To begin with, there is no minimum word count limit in writing your content. Nevertheless, you still need to show a good content to top off your competitive advantage. The best way to write and optimize your content is to incorporate your keywords in it. Try to mention the keywords naturally and maintain the relevance of the content to the topic. Don't try to overdo it though. Search Engines will mark it as spamming and they might ban your website.

4. Using an Alt image tag. Adding an image in your web page could enhance the appearance of your website. These images could easily optimize your web page using image alt tags. It's a very big advantage since you could include your main keywords in it. The downside is you could be marked as spamming if you don't do it right, but this could easily be avoided. Just be sure to add a word with a relative term to the topic, a keyword or a word that defines your business and combine it with words like graphic or image.

Your keyword is a very essential part of your website. Placing it in the right place could boost your rankings, on the other hand, irrelevant content and spamming would make your efforts go to waste.

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   

Top 5 Tips For SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting can be defined as the method of providing appropriate text information on your website about your business or services. Clients or consumers searching for concrete information will visit your website. One of the biggest advantages of this process is it will help drive maximum traffic to your website. If the content created is original and updated and the keywords are properly placed in it, the website will surely get higher rankings from search engines. SEO copywriting can be of various types- copy for blogs, articles, and press releases or just a webpage. You have to follow certain steps to produce the finest copy:

You should always create content that can provide adequate information to the internet searcher. It should be borne in mind that anyone who visits your website looks for concrete information. So, do not fill the webpage with unnecessary content as that might drive traffic away from your website. Visitors who once visit your site would never come back to it due to lack of information. Avoid complicated jargons and try to write the content for SEO in simple and lucid style. The website can become popular only when the content is readable. You should always update your website with fresh details. An outdated website hardly gets proper ranking by the search engines. Content writing for SEO requires special emphasis on the placement of keywords. Avoid using too many general keywords and try to focus on keyword phrases. You should always separate the different keywords with a comma. Without this punctuation mark, separate keywords are depicted as a long phrase by the search engines. This obviously affects your ranking process. While using the keywords for writing SEO content make sure you follow the 2% density rule. The website might be penalized by the search engines if keywords are used unnecessarily and excessively in the content. While writing SEO content, you should always consider the type of readers who would visit your website. Form the content according to the demands and requirements of your target reader. Also, conduct some research about the products and services that your website offers. When forming content for SEO try to highlight certain words or portions of the text in bold or italics. This often attracts a reader. Do not follow this process greatly, as that might affect the content. Using internal and external hyperlinks can be regarded as a useful method for bringing in more readers to read the content of your blog or your website. You can also resort to bullets or numbered technique to structure the content for your website. This aids internet users largely.

Content writing for SEO is based on a number of rules and methods. Following these might result in excellent copy for websites, blogs, or even press releases.

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept   

Website SEO - Ways to Achieve Search Engine Rankings

This information will walk you through the steps on ranking your website or blog inside the natural search results. First off, permit me to explain what website SEO is. Remember this is a group of techniques that will tell Google and other search engines like Google that your particular website will be the authority within your chosen industry or niche.

It is a pretty esoteric concept, so people ask me as to how this is possible? How can you talk to the search engine, do you work for or with Google? They are all valid questions.

There are two major website SEO areas that anyone needs to complete to get a successful business website.

1. Onsite search engine optimisation. This consists of making changes with the actual HTML code throughout your website pages. Today's article will take into consideration these techniques.

2. Off-site search engine optimisation. It is really an ongoing process and it will be done on other sites. Then entire listing of techniques inside this side of the house basically come down to creating backlinks to your own website. This is covered in a different article

So, what are the HTML changes needed for onsite SEO? Right here is the list that absolutely should be followed to acquire any success in ranking with search engines.

* Keyword research - this step is universal and it is essential for onsite and off-site SEO effort. This involves using a existing keyword research tools to find out what folks are searching for that relates to your small business or niche. Upon getting identified these phrases that are also termed as long-tail keywords, you will end up using those throughout your SEO work.

* Title meta tag - change the title meta tag to include any amount of your keywords you now have selected within a previous step. One rule here is that the total count of characters does not exceed 70 including spaces

* Description meta tag - This can be a brief summary from your webpage. It is just what searcher sees as component of your result record on the search engine page. The length with this text should not exceed 160 characters including spaces.

* Keyword meta tag - some state that this tag is not really utilized by search engine algorithms any more, however it doesn't hurt to include it as part of your home page HTML code. This tag includes a handful of your key phrases from the initial step. Every keyword has to be separated by comma character.

* Webpage text content - write the copy of this page that contains 150 to 300 characters. This is a good number which is usually friendly with most online search engine algorithms. Just remember to include an adequate amount of keywords that were identified in the first step. This is whats called keyword density and often help search engines determine what your website is all about and rank it appropriately.

* Webpage image, audio and video content - include videos, images and audio recordings on your own site. This just not only helps your rankings, but in addition makes your products more appealing to your visitors.

Following these simple website SEO tips will insure that the site is visible by all the major search engines plus popular with the viewers.

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   

Bing Business Portal For Local Businesses

In April, 2011, Bing launched the new Bing Business Portal to increase the number of local business listings. This platform has gained wide acceptance by businesses seeking to increase local market share. The Bing Business Portal has accomplished its 5 main goals:

· Enables local businesses to have a stronger web presence

· Easier access to consumers seeking local businesses

· New custom features to increase recognition

· Accessible by mobile web

· Unique features for business promotion

These changes to the previous Bing Portal are consumer driven. Today, more than 50 percent of Americans use Smartphones. 43 percent of consumers who search for local businesses actually visit the brick and mortar location. 22 percent of those consumers actually purchase goods or services of the Bing listed business.

Attractive features include an option that allows businesses to select color schemes, highlight special offers or services or goods and to activate a click-to-call button.

Another impressive characteristic in the Bing Business Portal is the QR code. This barcode includes posted information about the business. Importantly, the QR code is accessible to Smartphones or any QR reader. Bing sends listed businesses with the QR barcode type sticker that can be displayed to customers.

In taking a more consumer-friendly approach, the Business Portal's deal editor encourages local businesses to create deals or special offers, including coupons, promotions or rebates. Businesses can describe the promotion, list the expiration date and define any restrictions. Many businesses opt to integrate their deals through Facebook.

Restaurants are always a popular search item. Not only can the restaurant post reviews but it can also post the menus for review and follow with directions and the call button. Most restaurant owners are thrilled with the new business portal.

For businesses that are currently listed on the Bing Local Listing Center, this is the time to act. Your listing may have been transferred to the Bing Business Portal, but if you have not updated your information and examined how this great marketing tool can help spread the word about your products and services, you are missing the boat.

If your business is not currently listed on Bing, it is time to check out this presentation. Claiming your listing is easy. Simply visit the Bing Business Portal home page and select "Get Started Now." After the listing is registered, you must verify the listing information. Follow the verification process and you will be good to go in minutes. Once the initial verification is confirmed you can access your listing and tailor the business profile to a compelling presentation.

Managing the Bing Business Portal correctly and consistently adds a powerful tool to your overall marketing campaign. If you are serious about increasing your local market share, you are one click away from this exciting opportunity. Visit the Bing Business Portal today!

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   

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